Brief: Institute of Refrigeration Ireland launched

In November 1999, a training network for the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in Ireland was established. The principal aim of the network, Refrigeration Technology Skillnet, was to develop a programme of practical industry-led training solutions to meet common training needs across the sector. This has been achieved and is ongoing. A second goal was the formation of a new learning institute for the refrigeration and air-conditioning profession in Ireland. In November 2004, over 160 refrigeration and air conditioning professionals met in Dublin to celebrate the launch of the Institute of Refrigeration Ireland (IRI). The overall aims of IRI include: to promote the general advancement of refrigeration and air-conditioning applications; to pursue excellence in the provision of refrigeration products and services for the community; to provide members with continuing learning opportunities and a means of exchanging ideas; to provide members with networking opportunities; to establish and maintain standards of education, training and conduct; and to speak as the authoritative voice of the refrigeration and air conditioning profession in Ireland. For full information or to become a member: