Conferences: Prague

CryoPrague brought together Cryogenics (one of a series of IIR conferences), ICEC 21 (International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 21) and the International Cryogenic Material Conference (ICMC 2006) for the first time in July 2006. CryoPrague attracted 435 participants from 27 countries; 331 papers were presented and an exhibition was staged. Plenary papers covered: superconductivity and cryogenics for future high-energy accelerators (P. Lebrun); Snøhvit LNG project - novel design and technology open way for LNG from the Barents Sea (R. Heiersted); magnets and cryogenics for ITER (E. Salpietro); role of cryogenics in processes to separate CO2 from power plants (R. Allam); nuclear magnetic resonance: cryogenic technology enables breakthroughs (R. Kümmerle); influence of HTS application on cryogenics now and in the future (P. Komarek). Meetings of IIR Commissions A1 and A2 were held: projects under consideration included the updating of certain European norms, a conference on hydrogen and the setting up of an IIR Working Party on hydrogen.