Editorial by Didier Coulomb

June was an important month in the life of the International Institute of Refrigeration Froid (IIR). Its statutory meetings (Publications Sub-Committee, Management Committee, Science and Technology Council, Executive Committee) and its centenary celebrations were held in Paris during the same week. The latter are described fully in the Focus. Concerning the statutory meetings, I would like to emphasize the will to concentrate the IIR's strategy on three axes: enhanced marketing and outreach of the IIR, more aggressive and differentiated policy with respect to various IIR stakeholders and greater involvement of young people. A working party is handling further work on the actions embodied in this draft strategic plan and will focus particularly on the revamping of our Fridoc database and different marketing policy to be applied to it. Discussion on the IIR's role, activities and communication on issues such as global warming were fruitful and will be valuable for future discussion and actions. I was re-elected Director for the 5 years to come (2009-2014). I intend to make use of these years in order to make our actions even more relevant, visible and influential for the 100 years to come. Didier Coulomb Director of the IIR