Editorial by Didier Coulomb

Since 2007, the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) has conducted strategic discussions on its missions and services. This process began internally then took on board the outcomes of two surveys conducted at the beginning of this year in order to find out the opinion of users of our Web site on one hand, and Delegates of our member countries on the other hand. Decisions were made during the meeting of the Executive Committee held on June 11, 2009. These decisions attempt to take into account comments received in order to provide better services. The two main changes are the following: The way our Fridoc database operates will be completely modified. This comprehensive database comprising 85 000 abstracts was a member-only service. It will be opened up to all users, available on line and searchable by search engines. Articles will be downloadable on line. The hard-copy and electronic services provided up until now will be converted to a great extent into free downloads (conference proceedingsā€¦.). Fridoc will become the nerve centre for information services provided by the IIR and a refrigeration portal for external visitors. Revamping of the IIR's computer technology and Web site is to begin. It is scheduled to be completed in 2010 to enable the launching of a modern range of services meeting everyone's needs in 2011. Refrigeration-sector challenges of the 21st century are dual and affect the public and private sectors: improvement of human health, in particular thanks to better preservation of foods, from qualtitative and quantitative points of view (cf. the new Informatory Note published by the IIR (see page 2); environmental protection, in particular mitigation of climate change (refrigerant replacement, cf. the Focus; energy efficiency). The IIR is an intergovernmental organization, and this status should be strengthened. Corporate and private members in paying IIR member countries could receive additional benefits starting in 2011. I hope that these changes will result in better, faster and more efficient services for you: the world is changing fast and scientific, technical and economic monitoring is increasingly essential. I will update you on all the changes foreseen along with the time frames, as soon as decisions and technical modifications have been made. Didier Coulomb, Director of the IIR