Editorial by Didier Coulomb

2005 will bring many changes in the field of refrigeration as a whole, and also in the IIR's activities. Discussions on climate change are in the limelight thanks to the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol which will further limit the use of refrigerants with global-warming effects and enhance measures designed to promote energy efficiency. The IIR is taking part in analysis and actions addressing these matters, and this issue of the Newsletter will enable you to gain an insight into the IIR's stance and communication policy, which must be further reinforced, in terms of substance and form. We have performed in-depth analysis on the services we provide, along with the organizational aspects: journals (including the Newsletter), the type and form of our publications, organization of the Information Resources Department. Certain decisions, such as that concerning the IIR's Fridoc database, which deserves wider use, on our relations with our member countries, which are at the heart of the IIR and in fact constitute the IIR's raison d'ĂȘtre, and services with which our corporate and private members are provided. We have created a new column "Trends" in the Newsletter in order to cover refrigeration markets, with a view to acquiring and publishing in-depth information on indicators in this field. All indicators are green. I hope that these changes will benefit everyone, and wish all our readers an excellent New Year full of opportunities. Didier Coulomb Director of the IIR