Editorial by Didier Coulomb

The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) publishes two journals and a newsletter. This editorial focuses on the objectives of these publications that are changing fast in the case of two of them, thanks to new information technologies. There's the Newsletter, the latest addition. It is designed to provide a broad audience with information on key events in the refrigeration field — technology, regulations, markets, events… The Newsletter would seem to be fulfilling this role, but we now intend to launch a Newsletter or electronic letter dealing with the same contents, but to be sent out more frequently. Then there's the Bulletin, the IIR's oldest journal: it was launched during the IIR's early days, in 1910. Today's Bulletin comprises new abstracts on refrigeration technology added to the IIR's Fridoc database, a review article and information on future events and has been revamped. Since last April, the Bulletin is now being provided in interactive electronic form, which will make it possible to readily merge it with Fridoc, of which it is an extension. Members of the IIR will then receive regular alerts on the latest additions to Fridoc. The Newsletter and the Bulletin are general-interest and scientific publications and will be closely linked in the future, thanks to electronic technology. The IIR's International Journal of Refrigeration (IJR) is specifically intended for scientists; it is co-published with Elsevier, will remain apart and unchanged, with the exception of increasing use of information technology. The following focus describes the current status. It illustrates how this journal has become the academic reference in the field of refrigeration technology and the IIR's scientific showcase, along with its conferences. Didier Coulomb Director of the IIR