Ghana: over 5,000 old fridges seized by Customs

This is the result of a new law “LI Act 1932” which entered into force in January 2013 makes illegal the importation of old fridges and air-conditioning systems.
In February 2014, more than 5,000 used fridges were seized by the Ghanaian customs at Takoradi port located west of the capital Accra.
Officials at Customs Control Services and Prevention (CEPS) and the Ghana Customs division of tax (GRA), seized the illicit cargo labeled as personal property.

This is the result of a new law “LI Act 1932” which entered into force in January 2013 makes illegal the importation of old fridges and air-conditioning systems.
These items were banned because they contain high levels of substances harmful to the ozone layer and high GWP. Although this law was adopted in 2008, its implementation was delayed to allow importers to adapt and sell their prohibited items.
