IIR Working Group on whole-body cryotherapy or cryostimulation

A presentation of this IIR Working Group took place during the French Association of Refrigeration (AFF) Orientation Committee in January.

A presentation of this IIR Working Group (WG) took place during the French Association of Refrigeration (AFF) Orientation Committee on January, 25, 2018.

Jacques Guilpart, the French Delegate of the IIR, presented the objectives of the WG: it will organise workshops during future IIR conferences, especially the Conference on Cold Applications in Life Sciences to be held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in September 2018. An Informatory Note will also be prepared.

Benoit Dugué, Chairman of the WG, highlighted the health benefits of whole-body cryotherapy, where the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes: reduction of arthritic and other pains, improvement of sleep quality, possible help in preventing Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, etc. Romain Bouzigon stressed the potential risks associated with this technology if precautions are not taken, especially asphyxiation when liquid nitrogen is used for cooling purposes. Speakers from INSEP (the French national institute of sport, expertise, and performance) highlighted the benefits of whole-body cryotherapy for athletes.