Journey to Net Zero Heating and Cooling, Beyond Refrigeration – Call for abstracts

The Institute of Refrigeration will be holding an online virtual conference on 21st and 22nd April. 

Deadline 12 January. More information at 


The Institute of Refrigeration will be holding an online virtual conference on 21st and 22nd April. This two-day event will explore how the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector is responding to the challenges of net zero heating and cooling by minimising the need for cooling, maximising the efficiency of RACHP systems and developing innovative technologies that will change how we heat and cool buildings and processes.  


If you are involved in market leading innovation or initiatives that will help achieve carbon reductions in the refrigeration, air conditioning or heat pump field we are inviting you to share your achievements by presenting a paper at this conference. Papers should report on original case studies of application of technology, research-based findings that have a practical implementation and innovative technical developments. They must contain quality research material, scientific or technical information such as quantifiable carbon savings achieved or environmental gains, and not have been published previously.