ECOFRIDGES in Ghana: positive feedback from beneficiaries

A recent video updates on the ECOFRIDGES GO programme in Ghana, implemented by the Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy (BASE), UNEP’s United for Efficiency (U4E) initiative and the Energy Commission of Ghana.

On 29 June 2022, the Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy, the United Nations Environment Programme’s United for Efficiency (U4E) initiative and the Energy Commission of Ghana released a new video on the ECOFRIDGES GO programme in Ghana. The video presents the key benefits of the programme and its anticipated impacts.


ECOFRIDGES GO promotes the adoption of energy-efficient and climate-friendly domestic refrigerators and room air conditioners. The programme relies on a financing mechanism called Green On-wage financing (GO), to lower financial barriers to the purchase of higher-performing products by the Ghanaian population. For instance, a take-back scheme is planned for customers to return their end-of-life cooling appliances in exchange for a direct financial incentive, ensuring proper recycling and treatment of the discarded equipment.


As presented in an earlier post, the ECOFRIDGES project was launched in 2019, with the objective of supporting the purchase of over 15,000 energy-efficient appliances.

As of May 2022, the ECOFRIDGES GO programme has achieved the following:

  • 1,838 new certified refrigerators and ACs sold.
  • USD 1 million (GHS 8 million) of funding released.
  • 17,436 MWh of total energy savings, through reduced residential electricity demand, over the lifetime of the equipment.
  • 14,445 tonnes of total CO2 emissions saved over the lifetime of the equipment.


The latest video features several interviews with partner vendors, government officials, and testimonies from beneficiaries.  Watch the video on the impact of ECOFRIDGES GO in Ghana:




For more information on the ECOFRIDGES GO programme in Ghana, you can also read the update posted on the BASE website.  




[1] Go green, save money: How has the ECOFRIDGES GO programme benefitted Ghana?

[2] Video on the impact of ECOFRIDGES GO in Ghana: