Obituary: Klaas Visser

The IIR was deeply saddened to learn that Klaas Visser passed away last July.

Klaas Visser passed away at the age of 83. He was very active in the IIR, as well as the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH), the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) and the Institute of Refrigeration (IOR), constantly advocating the use of ammonia and CO2 as refrigerants. 


He studied engineering in the Netherlands before emigrating to Australia, where he worked for various companies and as a consultant. He worked closely with Gustav Lorentzen, then President of the IIR’s Science and Technology Council, on CO2 refrigeration systems. 


Klaas Visser regularly attended IIR conferences, particularly those held in Ohrid, Northern Macedonia, on ammonia and CO2, and presented numerous papers, which are available on the IIR’s FRIDOC database of publications. He was always enthusiastic and a good friend. He also advocated Australia’s active participation in the IIR. 


See Klaas Visser's publications in FRIDOC