Take part in the BETTED project survey for the dairy sector

Help this EU project map out the role of sustainability of companies in the dairy sector. The survey ends August 30.

BETTED, short for "Boosting Energy Transition of The Dairy value chain" (www.betted-project.eu), is a multi-national project funded by the European Union.

Its aim is to facilitate companies belonging to supply chains in the dairy sector to foster the market uptake of energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energies at the value chain level.

As a first step in the project, BETTED is launching a survey.


The survey aims to chart the role of sustainability in companies of the sector, the perception of energy benchmarking, the use of tailored tools to enhance knowledge on the implementation of energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energies, the role and use of renewable energy sources, heat pumps and biogas production.


Participating in the survey is very important as it will guide the forthcoming work and the offers made by the project team. Notably, it will aid in the design of forthcoming tools, training sessions, and e-learning materials which meet the actual needs of companies and organisations operating within the dairy sector.


This survey ends August 30.


Begin the survey