Temperature tracking in real time
Refrigeration transport companies are increasingly introducing temperature tracking systems. Pomona Terre Azur, located in Brittany, France, launched embarked Masternaut computer technology in 22 lorries in 2008. The computers are linked to a Mastercold temperature monitoring system. The lorries deliver chilled goods to caterers and the system aims at keeping customers informed about delivery times and obtaining temperature curves in real time. The cold chain control system completes the GPS (Global Positioning Service) and staff monitoring systems. Data from probes is sent via GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) systems to information storage and processing servers and any abnormal sign triggers an automatic alarm. Also in Brittany, another precursor, Scarmor, which delivers fresh produce and dry frozen products to around 40 shops, has been testing the Elomobile solution on 2 lorries over the last year and extended its use to 6 other vehicles in February 2009. The main aim is to alert drivers in real time as soon as an abnormal temperature is recorded. Thus the staff do not have to make manual temperature recordings during the night. E-mail or text alerts are envisaged. If the system is connected to a computer, the probes send temperature recordings to the driver's cabin via active RFID labels. Where the system is self-contained, it sends data via radio to the transporter.