The CRAC (Computer Room Air Conditioning) market within the EMEA zone

The CRAC market accounts for 30,000 sold units in 2014, i.e as many as in 2013 within the EMEA zone. Like in 2013, 80% of the market is dominated by Europe.
The CRAC (Computer Room Air Conditioning) market accounts for 30,000 sold units in 2014, i.e as many as in 2013 within the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) zone. Like in 2013, 80% of the market is dominated by Europe. Germany is leading this year (12%), followed by the UK (11.3%), the Middle East (11%) and Italy (10.3%). Next are Russia and France with respectable market shares amounting to around 8%. Growth has been sustained this year both in Italy and the Middle East with rises in the range of 20%. By contrast, the situation is more complicated for France which has experienced a -8,4% drop, and further dramatic for Russia which has suffered from a 20% contraction.

Within the EMEA zone, two-thirds of the sold units are based on direct expansion while the remaining operates on chilled water. In France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the ratio is identical for both technologies. Regarding direct expansion systems, 90% of all sold units have a <60kW capacity. For chilled water devices, no clear trend shows and the distribution is more even between <15kW and >100kW capacities.

A 2.5% increase is expected in 2015. Forecasts are favorable for countries with high market shares. As for France, its situation should be improving.

Source: Eurovent Market Intelligence

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