Trends and Figures: World AC heat pump market
The use of heat pumps (HPs) is increasing in the European Union (EU), Japan, and China. According to JARN's figures, the global market for room air conditioners (RACs) and packaged air conditioners (PACs) was about 78.7 million units in 2007, 72% of which were HP type air-conditioning (AC) systems. In China, the largest AC market (24.5 million units), the proportion of HP types has continued to increase over the past few years. Makers claim that about 82% of the RACs sold in China are HP systems. Japan boasts the most advanced HP technologies, a mature HP market and the highest proportion of heat pumps among AC systems with 98% of the RACs and 94% of the PACs, 8 million units in all. In the US, the size of the HP type AC market in the US in 2007 was 1.9 million units, most of which are used in the sunbelt States. Half the packaged terminal AC market (490000 units) comprised packaged terminal heat pumps. In recent years, the European Union (EU) has evolved as a high potential market for HP technology. EU legislation, including the F-gas Regulation, the Kyoto Protocol targets, and soaring energy prices, are strong incentives to use renewable energy solutions, most importantly HP solutions. France has the largest air-water HP market (over 100000 units operating). In 2005-2007, the market size increased from 12700 to 56000 units. A key success factor was the French government's incentive policy.