UK Government to launch National Cooling Action Plan: A bold step towards sustainable cooling and heat resilience

UK government set to unveil comprehensive National Cooling Action Plan to boost heat resilience and sustainable practices.

The government of the UK has affirmed its intention to release a National Cooling Action Plan (NCAP) within the initial stages of the upcoming parliamentary term. This announcement comes as a response to the Environmental Audit Committee's January report on Heat Resilience and Sustainable Cooling, as well as the UK's obligations under the UN Global Cooling Pledge. 

The government is actively engaged in developing a "cooling outlook document" to precede the anticipated deadline of 2026. Additionally, there are plans underway to revise the minimum energy performance criteria for commercial refrigeration systems. Acknowledgment has also been made that further measures may be necessary to enhance F-gas recovery rates. 

National Cooling Action Plans are essential tools for promoting sustainable and smart cooling practices in various countries. They address regulatory, policy, technical, and operational aspects that enable countries to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Kigali Amendment under the Montreal Protocol. NCAPs identify opportunities for reducing energy demand and improving energy efficiency, recommend ways to align efficiency improvements with the transition away from high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants, and provide a framework for implementing these actions through an integrated national cooling plan. 

Additionally, there is significant potential to develop sustainable cooling infrastructure that incorporates renewable energy, especially in the cold chain sector. In Small Island Developing States (SIDS), district cooling could meet a substantial portion of building cooling needs if sufficient upfront investments are made.