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IIR document
Experimental and numerical study of cross-flow fan in air-conditioner indoor unit.
Performance testing of a cross-flow membrane-based liquid desiccant dehumidification system.
Experimental and numerical investigations on the eccentric vortex of the cross flow fan.
Comparison of dehumidification performance of counter and cross-flow type liquid desiccant dehumidifiers.
Experimental study of unstructured porous media inserts for water recovery in a reduced scale, crossflow cooling tower.
Heat and mass transfer to air in a cross flow heat exchanger with surface deluge cooling.
Numerical investigation of heat transfer and friction factor characteristics from in-line cam shaped tube bank in crossflow.
Experimental and theoretical investigation of cross-flow heat transfer equipment for air energy high efficient utilization.
Empirical study on the heat exchange effectiveness of a cross-flow thermoelectric air to air heat pump unit.
Modeling and multi-objective optimization of an M-cycle cross-flow indirect evaporative cooler using the GMDH type neural network.
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Crossflow Air-to-Water Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger by Using Delta-Winglet Type Vortex Generators.
Caracterización de un recuperador entálpico de placas de flujo cruzado.
Characterisation of a cross-flow plate enthalpy recuperator.
General correlation for critical heat flux during saturated flow across a cylinder.
Correlation for CHF during subcooled flow across a single cylinder.
Analysis of gas-fired NH3-H2O generator with cross flow gas burner.