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IIR document
Comprehensive correlation for dispersed flow film boiling heat transfer in mini/macro tubes.
Preliminary study of saturated water (R-718) film boiling in a grooved plate evaporator.
Falling film evaporation and pool boiling of HFO1233zd(E) on a low finned tube with thermal spray coating.
Flow boiling data and prediction method for enhanced boiling tubes and tube bundles with R-134a and R-236fa including a comparison with falling film evaporation.
Heat and mass transfer modeling of R-245fa and R1233zd(E) with concurrent boiling and convective evaporation in falling film applications.
Universal correlation for falling film evaporation on a horizontal plain tube.
Falling film evaporation in a triangular tube bundle under the influence of cross vapor stream.
Experimental comparison of the heat transfer performance of R134a and R1234ze(E) in a hybrid film evaporator.
Experimental study on falling film evaporation heat transfer of ammonia on horizontal tubes.
The effect of tube diameters on evaporation heat transfer for ammonia falling liquid-film.
Heat transfer enhancement of falling film evaporation of HFO-1233zd(e) and HFC-134a on a horizontal tube by thermal spray coating
Development of universal databases and predictive tools for two-phase heat transfer and pressure drop in cryogenic flow boiling heated tube experiments.
An experimental investigation on the entire pool boiling curve of R14 under 0.1 MPa pressure.
Refrigerant falling film evaporation review: description, fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
Transient pool boiling heat transfer of cryogenic liquid on insulated steel.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
1 result
Innovative system to cool spacecraft on long missions
An innovative cooling system developed by a team of mechanical engineers has proven successful in testing aboard the International Space Station.