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Cold Hard Facts 2022
Cold Hard Facts. -2021
Cold hard facts - 2020
Cold hard facts 3
IIR document
Low temperature measurements of the hard magnetic materials.
Fabrication of hard-shell microcapsules containing inorganic materials.
Flow characteristics of silica hard-shell microcapsule slurries treated with additives.
Fabrication characteristics of phase-change materials of silica hard-shell microcapsules.
Fabrication of silica hard-shell microcapsule containing inorganic phase-change materials.
Flow and sedimentation characteristics of silica hard-shell microcapsule slurries treated with additives.
Modeling of n-alkanes and refrigerants with a hard convex body chain equation of state.
Cold Hard Facts 4: Key developments and emerging trends in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry in Australia.
Quality changes in Pteridium aquilinum and the root of Platycodon grandiflorum frozen under different conditions.
Dispersion and flow characteristics of hardshell microcapsules with phase change materials.
Extreme low charge units with ammonia blend R723 applications in practice.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
2 results
Refrigerated delivery vehicles: device facilitates door closing
In order to avoid unwanted temperature rises due to awkward door closing, an EPDM valve has been designed by the German company Maagtechnic.
Converting waste heat into cooling
A prototype that has succeeded in converting waste heat into cooling capacity could lead to new solutions to harness excess energy produced by systems.
IIR news
1 result
Cryogenics and Low-Temperature Physics: New Horizons and Challenges
This Focus written by Ralf Herzog*, President of the IIR’s Cryophysics, Cryoengineering commission (Commission A1) for the Newsletter of the IIR is the third in a series of presentations of the activities and hot research topics handled by the...