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227 results
IIR document
Linear compressor discharge valve behavior using a rigid body valve model and a FSI valve model.
Influence of the valve-seat gap on the dynamics of reed type valves.
Modeling of gas leakage through compressor valves.
An investigation into the dynamics of self-acting compressor valves.
Experimental study of self-acting reed valves.
The thermal performance of a novel convergent valveless vortex tube.
Fluid-structure interaction of a reed type valve.
Calculation of internal flow in a compressor with valve motion.
Experimental investigation of damping coefficient for compressor reed valves.
Integrating numerical models for efficient simulation of compressor valves.
Design optimization of compressor reed valve based on axiomatic design.
Dynamic modeling of a poppet valve for use in a rotating spool compressor.
Fluid-structure interaction of a reed type valve subjected to piston displacement.
Numerical simulation of a suction valve: comparison between a 3D complete model and a 1D model.
Suction valve design optimization to improve reliability.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
3 results
Liquid nitrogen for French cuisine
The system uses the natural pressure of nitrogen during evaporation according to a vertical discharge principle.
Reduce refrigerant leaks in supermarkets
Refrigerant leaks are a recurring problem, particularly in the commercial refrigeration sector. An American initiative aims to identify the main causes of leaks and to propose solutions to reduce...
Must read in IJR: a comprehensive review on fault detection in HVAC systems
The latest research and developments in the fault detection and diagnostics of HVAC systems are presented in several articles recently published in the IJR.