US National Committee of the IIR (USNC/IIR)
Introduction – A brief history of the USNC/IIR
In 1908 the first Congress of Refrigeration was held in Paris, and the US joined other participating nations to form the International Association of Refrigeration. Later in 1920, the IIR was formed with the US as one of the founding members.
In 1956/57, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS)/National Science Foundation (NSF) formed the USNC/IIR to coordinate US IIR participation.Founding USNC officers were Dr. R. C. Jordan, (chair), Dr. H. C. Diehl, (vice chair), and Dr. W. T. Pentzer, (secretary).
Other members represented US DOC, ARI, ASRE & ASHAE (predecessor societies of ASHRAE), and ASME.
Since 2012, the USNC IIR membership is in Category 3 grade. ASHRAE, NIST, and DOE have continued to contribute to the USNC operating budget. The USNC of the IIR has developed a series of student awards over the years. In addition, the USNC/IIR has organized short courses at the Purdue conferences for nearly 30 years to take advantage of the large international audiences that the conferences draw.
Objectives of the USNC/IIR
The USNC/IIR is organized and operated for the exclusive purpose of advancing the arts and sciences of refrigeration, air conditioning, cryogenic activities, and the allied arts and sciences, for the benefit of the membership and the general public. The specific objects of the USNC/IIR include the following:
- To effectively appropriate United States participation in the work of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), pursuant to the following scientific and educational objectives of the IIR with respect to refrigeration, air conditioning, cryogenic activities, food chain and allied arts and sciences, for the benefit of the general public.
- To serve as a focal point in all matters concerning United States participation in the IIR with respect to the objectives set forth in this section, and to advise international organizations, governmental agencies, professional societies and interested members of the general public on matters pertaining to the science and technology of refrigeration, air conditioning and cryogenic activities.
- To promote research on the scientific, technological and engineering aspects of refrigeration, air conditioning and cryogenic activities in the United States with particular reference to those aspects which call for international cooperation.
- To foster international cooperation in research on the scientific, technological and engineering aspects of refrigeration, air conditioning and cryogenic activities in less developed countries.
- To nominate persons to serve as Commission Members and Officers in the IIR and to elect delegates to the General Conference and to other meetings called by the IIR.
- To provide information and guidance for delegates to the meetings called by the IIR.
- To facilitate and organize scientific meetings, workshops and congresses in consonance with the objectives of the IIR as described in this section.
The main USNC/IIR activities are as follows:
- to further scientific research in the Member Countries and promote technical and economic studies on the national and international level;
- to collect and publish scientific, technical, and economic studies and documents;
- to further the teachings and popularization of science and technology;
- to advise governments and international organizations on matters of science and technology; and
- to keep in touch with interested national and international congresses in connection with the objectives set forth in the objectives section.*
Prospective Members
Anyone interested in advancing and disseminating the arts and sciences of refrigeration, air conditioning, cryogenic activities, and the allied arts and sciences, for the benefit of the membership and the general public is invited to become a member of the USNC/IIR.
USNC/IIR members can be either private members or representatives of corporate members of the IIR.
To become a USCN/IIR, please email the USNC/IIR Membership Officer, Harrison Skye:
USCN/IIR meet twice a year during the annual and winter ASHRAE meetings. These meetings are typically held both in person and through virtual remote participation and they are often in late January and late June.
If interested to attend the USNC/IIR meeting, either in person or through virtual remote participation, please email the USNC/IIR Chairman:
*More information is available in the Terms of Reference.
Yunho Hwang (University of Maryland)
Stefan Elbel (Creative Thermal Solution and TU Berlin)Secretary:
Harshad Inamdar (Rheem Manufacturing Company)
Davide Ziviani (Purdue University)
Harrison Skye (NIST)
Hanlong Wan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
USNC/IIR Secretarial Services:
Lorenzo Cremaschi
Document of interest
- Current members
- 2023 Best Paper Announcement
- USNC/IIR Agenda (June 2023)
- Meeting Minutes (February 2023)
- Meeting Minutes (June 2022)
- Meeting Minutes (February 2022)
- USNC/IIR Young Research Award Competition
- IIR activity report 2022
- Ellyn Harges Wins the 2022 USNC/IIR Outstanding Young Researcher Paper Award Competition
- Nehemiah Emaikwu Wins the 2022 USNC/IIR Outstanding Young Researcher Paper Award Competition