You are: an organisation
To anticipate and overcome the global challenges we face together, the IIR has developed a range of services and products geared towards helping you achieve your business objectives in line with an ever-evolving sector.
Informatory Notes
Designed to meet the needs of decision-makers worldwide, IIR Informatory Notes summarise knowledge of key technologies and applications of refrigeration.
Why not also read the corresponding Summary for policymakers; published with you in mind?
Consult the IIR Informatory Notes
Regulation files
The Regulation files summarise the requirements of the main regulations and standards applicable to the refrigeration sector and refrigerants at global, regional or national level. Prepared by the IIR or its partners, these files provide links to the original texts and the corresponding reference information sources.
Industry monitoring
Keep up to date on the most recent news and developments in the field of refrigeration from across the globe (novel technologies, refrigerant news, case studies regulation, standards, economy…).
Consult the refrigeration sector monitoring news
IIR events
Discover the latest developments in the sector and network with key stakeholders at upcoming flagship IIR conferences and co-sponsored conferences dedicated to all refrigeration technologies.
Working groups
Join your peers, as a beneficiary of a corporate member, from industry, academia and research to collaborate on an array of multidimensional projects addressing scientific matters at the heart of refrigeration.
Consult the IIR Working groups
Expertise directory
Do you have a specific question in one of the following fields?
- Cryogenics, liquefaction or separation of gases
- Thermodynamics, refrigerants or refrigerating equipment
- Biology or food technology
- Refrigerated storage or transport
- Air conditioning, heat pumps or energy recovery.
The IIR has developed an international network of expertise covering all fields of refrigeration.
Consult the IIR expertise directory
Thematic files
The thematic files summarise essential information in 12 key fields of refrigeration. Prepared by the IIR or by experts from its network, the files present the major technological trends or the economic data of each field.