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Les frigorigènes naturels stimulent le marché mondial du froid commercial en 2023
Selon le JARN, les frigorigènes naturels utilisés dans les équipements commerciaux gagnent en popularité, contribuant notamment à dynamiser la demande de renouvellement des...
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2 769 actualités
Multicentre clinical trial for hypothermia treatment of stroke patients obtains funding
The European Stroke Research Network for Hypothermia (EuroHYP) is to perform a large, multicentre clinical trial which will assess mild hypothermia as a novel treatment for ischæmic stroke.
A reviving global air-conditioning market
According to BSRIA figures, in 2011, the world air-conditioning market increased by 13% compared with 2010.
US research projects to cut AC energy consumption
The 15 projects selected by Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) – within the Building Energy Efficiency Through Innovative Thermodevices (BEETIT) are developing new approaches and technologies for building cooling equipment and air...
New European ecodesign regulation for air conditioners
New European Regulation 206/2012 that sets minimal performance requirements for air-conditioners will enter into force in January 2013.
Australia and US set for rising refrigerant prices
Refrigeration sectors from numerous countries, including Australia and the US, are facing refrigerant price hikes as result of changing legislation.
Changes in the use of cryogenic propellants in space
Near-term exploration beyond low Earth orbit will require the use of cryogenic propellants and in-space cryogenic propellant storage durations will exceed our current capabilities by at least two orders of magnitude. This will require the...
Europe: 2012 HVAC-R market trends
Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI) has just released 2012 trends for the European heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration market.
Tetra Pak works on smart milk cartons
Tetra Pak is developing a smart carton that will alert consumers when milk is past its best consumption.
Shenzhen: China's first pilot city for hydrocarbon air conditioning
The city of Shenzhen is a pioneering the commercial application of hydrocarbon refrigerants to replace HCFCs in air conditioning.
Europe: renewable cooling could provide close to 100% of cooling demand
A recent study performed by the German Öko-Institut e.V. on behalf of NL Agency of the Netherlands and funded by the Dutch government, claims that at least 50% of the cooling demand in Europe could be covered by renewable energy applications by 2050.
Une norme pour les puces fraîcheur
Aucune norme de qualité n’existe actuellement pour les puces fraîcheur.
Rio+20: support for HFC phase-down
In their final declaration, the Heads of State and Government and high-level representatives of 191 countries who met in June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (“Rio+20”) have provided support of an HFC...
HFCs: diverging opinions regarding phase-out/phase-down
A report prepared by Michael Kauffeld for the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) outlines a timetable specifying dates by which the use of HFCs could be banned in new equipment for each refrigeration and air-conditioning sub-sector, with a...
Data centre near London upgrades with Turbomiser chillers
The site’s power usage ratio has dropped by 24%
Bunker under highly controlled-atmosphere to measure Earth’s rotation
Equipment with extremely stable laser requires perfect mastery of air pressure and temperature.
Une embarcation gallo-romaine restaurée grâce à la lyophilisation.
Un chaland de près de 32 m et pesant 30 tonnes, qui avait coulé dans le Rhône vers 50 après JC, est en cours de restauration grâce au recours au polyéthylène glycol, suivi de la lyophilisation.
Israel: new pre-cooling system for cherries
Mobile pre-cooling system can help preserve fruit quality straight after harvest
CO2 system for retrofitting in food processing company
CO2 was chosen over an ammonia cascade plant
Concours de vidéos pour le 25e anniversaire du Protocole de Montréal
Le PNUE lance un concours de vidéos pour les jeunes vidéastes nés depuis septembre 1987
Le Maroc s’implique dans la lutte contre les HCFC
Début juin 2012, Le Ministère marocain de l’Industrie, du Commerce et des Nouvelles Technologies et l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour le développement Industriel (ONUDI) ont organisé un atelier pour lancer un Plan national concernant...
First Chinese safety standard for cold stores
The codes should come into force in December this year
Jordan phases out CFCs one year ahead of schedule
Jordan’s national programme for phasing out the use of CFCs, which aimed at disposing 1500 tonnes of these refrigerants was achieved one year ahead of schedule.
Incidents with fake refrigerants
Incidents involving fake refrigerants have hit the headlines on various occasions recently. The incidents often involve R40 (methyl chloride), a hazardous chemical compound, or other substances.
Canada: CFIA Standardization of Food Safety Practices
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) recently announced plans to standardize its inspection practices to keep up with the changing food safety landscape.
Phase-change materials result in huge cost savings
Phase-change materials (PCMs) are being used in a new building for the molecular engineering department of the University of Washington, in Seattle. The 7150 m² building has PCMs encapsulated in its wall and ceiling panels, and the expectation is...