Document IIF

Amélioration de la durée de conservation de légumes mélangés grâce à l'entreposage sous atmosphère modifiée des enrobages comestibles.

Improving shelf-life of mixed vegetables by modified atmosphere packaging and edible coatings.

Auteurs : VIEIRA S., SAPATA M. M., SOUSA M. B., et al.


The aim of the study is to evaluate the effects on quality and stability of mixed coated vegetables for soup (cabbage, carrot, potatoes, turnip and onions) when applied, in a combined process, two modification modes, packaged in polymeric film and stored at 4 °C for 15 days. Control quality was followed by measuring physiological, physical, chemical, microbiological parameters and visual deterioration. Present research leads to conclude that active modified atmosphere packaging and edible coatings in combined process conduct to considerable spoilage symptoms decrease and stability preservation, increasing shelf life.

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Pages : 2000-4

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  • Titre original : Improving shelf-life of mixed vegetables by modified atmosphere packaging and edible coatings.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2002-1980
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Date d'édition : 19/10/2000
  • Source : Source : Proc. Murcia Conf., IIR/C. R. Conf. Murcie, IIF
    2000-4; vol. 1; 381-388; fig.; tabl.; 12 ref.
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.