Frigorigènes naturels : développement continu et innovation en Europe.

Natural refrigerants: continued growth & innovation in Europe.

Auteurs : MASSON N., JIA H., BURKEL S.

Type de monographie : Ouvrage, Guide/Manuel


Following the first edition in early 2012, the GUIDE Europe 2014 features completely updated information to keep up with the fast-moving natural refrigerant market. This latest GUIDE will analyse the essentials of the rapidly evolving European market: commercial/light-commercial market maps; natural refrigerants & ecosystems; natural refrigerants in the food chain; Europe-wide industry survey; policy & legislative drivers; case studies and European Business Directory (+ 400 companies).


  • Titre original : Natural refrigerants: continued growth & innovation in Europe.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30010509
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Chiffres, économie, Réglementation, Environnement
  • Édition : Shecco Publications - Belgique/Belgique
  • Date d'édition : 13/01/2014
