Influence de l'exposition à la lumière du soleil sur les réactions aux températures après récolte et la maturation de cinq variétés d'avocat.

Direct sunlight influences postharvest temperature responses and ripening of five avocado cultivars.

Auteurs : WOOLF A. B., WEXLER A., PRUSKY D., et al.

Type d'article : Article


The effect of direct sunlight on the postharvest behaviour of 5 avocado (Persea americana) cultivars (Ettinger, Fuerte, Hass, Horshim and Pinkerton) was examined. Probes placed 6-7 mm under the peel showed that the temperature and the side exposed to the sun could be as much as 15-20 °C higher than the temperature of shade fruits, while the nonexposed side of fruits was about 5 °C higher than the shade fruit. With the exception of Ettinger, sun fruits, and especially the exposed side, were found to be most tolerant to postharvest 50 and 55 °C for 3-6 weeks caused severe chilling injury to shade fruits, with less effect on sun fruits. Furthermore, there was little or no damage on the exposed side of the sun fruits. Behaviour of exposed and non-exposed parts of fruits is investigated in terms of enzymes action, firmness, heat shock proteins.


  • Titre original : Direct sunlight influences postharvest temperature responses and ripening of five avocado cultivars.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2002-2950
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : J. am. Soc. hortic. Sci. - vol. 125 - n. 3
  • Date d'édition : 2000


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