Influence des conditions de culture et de l'apport minéral sur l'incidence du "bitter pit" sur les pommes "Golden Delicious".

Effect of orchard factors and mineral nutrition on bitter pit in "Golden Delicious" apples.


The present five years of research is focused on the effects of field (orchard) and management factors in bitter pit incidence. The relationship between soil fertility, leaf and fruit mineral content, yield, fertilization, irrigation, cultural practices and orchard factors, and bitter pit incidence have been studied. Preliminary results show that bitter pit as usually correlated with Ca content and with K:Ca (K+Mg):Ca and N:Ca ratios, both in fruits and leaves. Shoot growth and yield were also correlated with incidence of bitter pit. The available preliminary results show that improved management of irrigation, K fertilization and soil fertility could reduce the incidence of bitter pit.


  • Titre original : Effect of orchard factors and mineral nutrition on bitter pit in "Golden Delicious" apples.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2000-1946
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Proceedings of the International Symposium on effect of preharvest and postharvest factors on storage of fruit.
  • Date d'édition : 03/1999
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


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