Influence des protéines antigels de poissons sur la congélation de suspensions de cellules avec pénétration cryoprotectrice au niveau cellulaire.

Influence of fish antifreeze proteins on the freezing of cell suspensions with cryoprotectant penetrating cells.


Type d'article : Article


This study aims at understanding the influence of antifreeze proteins (AFPs) from fishes on the freezing of biological cells. Human red blood cells were frozen in the physiological salines including glycerol with and without AFPs. Due to the addition of AFPs, the morphology of the ice crystal changed dramatically from a dendritic appearance to a spicular appearance. The spicular ice crystal caused strong mechanical interaction between the ice crystals and the red blood cells and the resultant complete destruction of the red blood cells.


  • Titre original : Influence of fish antifreeze proteins on the freezing of cell suspensions with cryoprotectant penetrating cells.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 1999-1742
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 41 - n. 13
  • Date d'édition : 07/1998


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