Viande fraîche et produits carnés traités emballés sous atmosphère modifiée : bilan de la situation actuelle.

Frischfleisch und Fleischerzeugnisse in Schutzatmosphärenpackungen: ein Statusbericht


Type d'article : Article


In the course of the DLG quality contests for pre-packed meat and meat products the composition of the modified atmosphere immediately before opening the package had been measured for several years in order to get a market-related overview on the efficiency of this kind of packaging. The results obtained make thoughtful: only 12% - which is acceptable - of the fresh meat MAP showed a lack of oxygen, but with almost half (46%) of the samples the carbon dioxide content was too low. With processed meat products in MAP every sixth package was found to have too much oxygen and additionally, the share of packages with lacking carbon dioxide increased from 33 to 72% in 2005. These results have been measured only few days after production, i.e. far away from the end of the shelf life. With regard to the protection of the consumer this problem requires special attention on the part of research as well as of the packaging and food industry.


  • Titre original : Frischfleisch und Fleischerzeugnisse in Schutzatmosphärenpackungen: ein Statusbericht
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-2498
  • Langues : Allemand
  • Source : Fleischforsch. Kulmb. - n. 172
  • Date d'édition : 06/2006


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