2015 Ashrae integrated sustainable building design.

Author(s) : Montana State University, SPENCER J., IRWIN S., PRUSS L., et al.

Type of monograph: Report


The goal of the 2015 ASHRAE Integrated Sustainable Building Design (ISBD) competition was to design a “Net Zero” energy building in Doha, Qatar. This building that was designed needed to minimize energy demands for HVAC, as well as all other technical systems to meet the Net Zero criteria. The term “Net Zero” in layman’s terms means that a buildings energy usage is no more than it can produce through the use of renewable energy sources in the course of one year. Net Zero buildings are becoming ever more popular now-a-days because of both the decreasing costs and increased efficiencies of renewable energy technologies and the need to become more sustainable for our environment.
The building being designed was a community college building for a local Doha college. The building was to include both classrooms for students, as well as office spaces for faculty, among other room types that would be commonly found in a college building.


  • Original title: 2015 Ashrae integrated sustainable building design.
  • Record ID : 30014717
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Environment
  • Publication: ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) - United states/United states
  • Publication date: 2014/12
