2021 World LNG Report.

Author(s) : IGU

Type of monograph: Report


The 12th annual World LNG Report provides unmatched insight into how the events of the exceptional 2020 that impacted the LNG market.
– Analysis of the key developments in demand, supply and pricing over the course of the period.
– Highlights LNG performance over other energy sources in its resilience during the crisis. Despite unprecedented circumstances, there was even a modest increase in global LNG trade last year to 356.1 MT.
– The LNG sector adjusted to great demand fluctuations with incredible agility during the year, navigating between huge drops in demand levels at the height of the pandemic lockdowns, through exceptional upward spikes of the winter deep freeze.
– Global regasification capacity increased to reach a total of 850.1 MTPA as of February 2021, and continuing to expand access to clean and modern energy for more communities around the world. 
– Myanmar and Croatia joined the ranks of LNG customers most recently, and by the end of 2021, Ghana, El Salvador, Vietnam, and Nicaragua could also gain access to the global gas market.


  • Original title: 2021 World LNG Report.
  • Record ID : 30028768
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Publication: IGU (International Gas Union) - Spain
  • Publication date: 2021/06
