A feasibility study of CO2-based Rankine cycle powered by solar energy.
Author(s) : ZHANG X. R., YAMAGUCHI H., FUJIMA K., et al.
Type of article: Article
An experimental study was carried out in order to investigate feasibility of CO2-based Rankine cycle powered by solar energy. The proposed cycle is designed to achieve cogeneration of heat and power, and consists of evacuated solar tube collectors, power generating turbine, heat recovery system, and feed pump. The Rankine cycle of the system utilizes solar collectors to convert CO2 into high-temperature supercritical state, used to drive a turbine and produce electrical power. The cycle also recovers thermal energy, which can be used for an absorption refrigerator, for air conditioning, hot water supply, etc. for a building. An experimental set-up was constructed to investigate the performance of the CO2-based Rankine cycle. The results show that the cycle can achieve production of heat and power with reasonable thermodynamic efficiency and has a great potential of the application of the CO2-based Rankine cycle powered by solar energy. In addition, some research interests related to the study are discussed in this paper.
- Original title: A feasibility study of CO2-based Rankine cycle powered by solar energy.
- Record ID : 2006-1094
- Languages: English
- Source: JSME int. J., B - vol. 48 - n. 3
- Publication date: 2005/08
See other articles in this issue (1)
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