IIR document
A fundamental equation of state for low-GWP refrigerant HFO-1234ze(Z).
Number: pap. n. TP-052
A fundamental equation of state is presented for HFO-1234ze(Z) (cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene). The equation of state is expressed explicit in the Helmholtz energy with independent variables of temperature and density. The equation of state is based on experimental data for the critical parameters, vapor pressure, densities of the liquid and vapor phases, and sound speed in the vapor phase. The equation is valid for temperatures from 273 K to 430K and for pressures up to 6MPa. All thermodynamic properties can be derived as derivatives of the Helmholtz energy. The estimated uncertainties of properties calculated from the equation are 0.15% in vapor pressure, 0.4% in vapor density, 0.2% in liquid density, and 0.05% in the vapor phase sound speed. The equation exhibits reasonable extrapolation behavior in regions away from the experimental data.
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Pages: 7 p.
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- Original title: A fundamental equation of state for low-GWP refrigerant HFO-1234ze(Z).
- Record ID : 30008277
- Languages: English
- Source: 4th IIR Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants
- Publication date: 2013/06/17
See other articles from the proceedings (69)
See the conference proceedings
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- Formats : PDF
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