A recuperative heat exchanger for space-borne turbo-Brayton cryocoolers.

Author(s) : HILL R. W., IZENSON M. G., CHEN W. B., et al.


The recuperative heat exchanger in turbo-Brayton cryocoolers is often the largest and heaviest cryocooler component, and its performance has a direct impact on the available cooling, and consequently, the cycle efficiency. The design of this component is also quite challenging as structural goals associated with vibration loads are often in conflict with thermal goals for low axial conduction. Creare has developed the only space qualified recuperator for turbo-Brayton cryocoolers. This recuperator is currently installed on the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the NICMOS cryocooler (NCC), which has operated on-orbit for over 4 years without degradation. The NCC recuperator technology has demonstrated extremely high thermal performance and structural robustness. The recuperator went through extensive structural tests prior to installation including two random vibration tests, two shuttle launches, and one shuttle landing. Under support from NASA and MDA, Creare has been developing the next generation recuperator technology. The advanced recuperator technology is based on silicon slotted plates as the heat transfer elements to provide high stream-to-stream conductance and low mass. An innovative core construction minimizes axial conduction and supports the core against launch vibrations. The resulting recuperator is predicted to provide the same high thermal performance as the NCC recuperator for a fraction of the size and weight. This paper reviews the recuperator design, and the results of vibration and thermal tests.


  • Original title: A recuperative heat exchanger for space-borne turbo-Brayton cryocoolers.
  • Record ID : 2008-1183
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 2006/06/14
  • Source: Source: Proc. 14th int. Cryocooler Conf., Annapolis, MD
    525-533; fig.; phot.; tabl.; 6 ref.