A rising tide.
Author(s) : SCHIERMEIER Q.
Type of article: Article
The ice covering Greenland holds enough water to raise the oceans seven metres and it is starting to melt. How far will it go? The author wades into the evidence.
- Original title: A rising tide.
- Record ID : 2004-2562
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment, General information
- Source: Nature - vol. 428 - n. 6979
- Publication date: 2004/03/11
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See the source
- Themes: General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…)
- Keywords: Ice; Denmark; Melting; Climate
Climate change: the tipping point of the iceberg.
- Author(s) : WALKER G.
- Date : 2006/06/15
- Languages : English
- Source: Nature - vol. 441 - n. 7095
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Glacial pace picks up: Greenland's ice is break...
- Author(s) : MARRIS E.
- Date : 2006/02/16
- Languages : English
- Source: News@nature.com, Highlights - 2 p.; phot.; 2 ref.
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Losing Greenland.
- Author(s) : WITZE A.
- Date : 2008/04/17
- Languages : English
- Source: Nature - vol. 452 - n. 7189
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The long summer begins.
- Author(s) : SCHIERMEIER Q.
- Date : 2008/07/17
- Languages : English
- Source: Nature - vol. 454 - n. 7202
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Taking the temperature of mountains./ Prendre l...
- Date : 2007/10
- Languages : French
- Source: World Sci./Planète Sci. - tabl./vol. 4 - n. 1
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