IIR document

A study on the increasing reliability of refrigeration systems for building facilities.

Author(s) : TANAKA T.


The increasing reliability of cooling systems for building facilities is evaluated in this study. The author analysed the field data spanning over 10 years by several techniques including Weibull analysis and proposes an estimation method for the failure time distribution evaluating some parameters by computer simulation. Random numbers are produced in the simulation according to exponential, normal, and Weibull distribution with the probability accounted for by employing the maximum-likelihood method and the Bayesian method. The failure rate and estimated intervals are also discussed. Moreover, the author simulated the enhanced reliability of cooling systems by evaluating the reliability changes in many building facilities through 10-year data. By comparing the simulated result with the field data, he is convinced that the proposed method gives precise and practical predictions regarding the maintenance and design of cooling systems for building facilities.

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  • Original title: A study on the increasing reliability of refrigeration systems for building facilities.
  • Record ID : 2004-1319
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Source: 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
  • Publication date: 2003/08/17


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