Acoustic impedance of RLC load modulation on a two-stage cascade thermoacoustic engine.
Author(s) : XIE X. J., LE POLLÈS T., BÉTRANCOURT A., et al.
An elementary cascade thermoacoustic engine, consisting of a standing wave stage (1st stage) and a travelling wave stage (2nd stage) in series, has been designed with CRISTA, a simulation programme developed at LIMSI. The phase shift between pressure and volume flow rate in the 2nd stage is made by an acoustic RLC load that influences the thermoacoustic parameters in the two stages. The results of this investigation show that for the 2nd stage, there is an optimal acoustic impedance of the RLC load to simultaneously modulate the travelling wave phase and to get higher local impedance for the regenerator. Moreover, the RLC load acoustic impedance can also slightly influence the efficiency of the 1st stage and the transmission loss in the resonator. In later research, a series of experiments will be made to further investigate RLC load according to the above useful simulations.
- Original title: Acoustic impedance of RLC load modulation on a two-stage cascade thermoacoustic engine.
- Record ID : 2008-1912
- Languages: English
- Source: Cryogenics and refrigeration. Proceedings of ICCR'2008.
- Publication date: 2008/04/05
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