Air conditioning in southern Europe. 1. Cold storage: technology and characteristics.

Il condizionamento dell'aria nel sud dell'Europa. 1. Gli accumuli di freddo: tecnologia e caratteristiche.

Author(s) : LAZZARIN R. M.

Type of article: Article


Through cold storage, which is obtained using different methods, it is possible to introduce an interval between cold production and its use. This article considers cold storage for a representative day. The themes tackled in Part 1 are the advantages, design problems, control and management as well as the interface with the building. Part 2 will consider the different types of storage in detail and will provide interesting economic considerations. (See also this Bulletin, references 2003 - 1749 and 2003 - 2005)


  • Original title: Il condizionamento dell'aria nel sud dell'Europa. 1. Gli accumuli di freddo: tecnologia e caratteristiche.
  • Record ID : 2003-2001
  • Languages: Italian
  • Source: Cond. Aria - n. 6
  • Publication date: 2001/06
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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