An energetical, exergetical and experimental analysis of an absorption-heat exchanger used as transfer sub-station in an already existing district heating grid.

Number: 0199



The application of an absorption-heat exchangers as transfer sub-station in a district heating grid can use the temperature difference between the primary (up to145 °C) and secondary supply temperature (ca. 70 °C) of the circuits for subcooling the primary return temperature below the secondary one. This leads to the advantages of increased heat capacity within an existing grid up to 30% at unchanged flow and temperature inlet conditions on the one hand-side, and on the other hand-side, more renewables can be more easily integrated. To proof the required temperature gap between the two supply temperatures to ensure a subcooling of the primary return flow temperature below the secondary one has been experimentally investigated by a small pilot-scaled absorption-heat exchangers (about 10 kW max) at the laboratory of AEE INTEC at different inlet conditions. This analysis has shown that a subcooling up to 20.7 K is achievable between the return temperatures with an AHX at highly primary supply and low secondary return temperatures as long the mass flow of the secondary grid gets increased accordingly to the heat capacity increase.

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Pages: 10 p.


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  • Original title: An energetical, exergetical and experimental analysis of an absorption-heat exchanger used as transfer sub-station in an already existing district heating grid.
  • Record ID : 30031103
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: 14th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2023, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Publication date: 2023/05/15


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