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IIR document
Data driven assessment of a small scale evaporative condenser based on a combined artificial neural network with design of experiment approach.
Evaporative cooling and Legionella: a risk which can be prevented by using good practices, 18th Informatory Note on refrigerating technologies.
Development of novel experimental infrastructure for collection of high-fidelity experimental data of refrigerant to air heat exchangers.
Promising rational enhancement of heat exchange by section of long smooth ducts of plate-fin surfaces with purposes of creation of highly effective compact heat exchangers.
Multi-scale analysis and optimization of tube shapes for air-to-refrigerant heat exchangers.
Evaluation of optimal subcooling in subcritical heat pump systems.
Open cooling tower design considerations.
Numerical optimization of a heat exchanger with slit fins and vortex generators using genetic algorithms.
Groupe de réfrigération et encrassement des échangeurs thermiques: dimensionnement, diagnostic et maintenance.
Refrigeration unit and heat exchanger fouling: sizing, diagnosis and maintenance.
Numerical investigation of thermal and hydraulic performances of a condenser coil with oblique-shaped tubes.
Tube-fin heat exchanger circuitry optimization using integer permutation based Genetic Algorithm.
Multibank microchannel heat exchanger pass optimization using integer permutation based genetic algorithm.
Modeling of spray evaporators for salt solutions.
Numerical model for water vapour condensation on hydrophilic coating enhanced fin surface under dehumidifying condition.
Layer assignment and arrangement optimization for multi-stream plate-fin heat exchanger design.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
22 results
Novel catalysts to address overheating in hypersonic aircraft
Researchers at Australia's RMIT University have developed 3D-printed catalysts to address the challenge of overheating in hypersonic aircraft and possibly other industrial...
Cooling solutions for hybrid electric aircraft
The electrification of aircraft propulsive systems requires specific cooling technologies as part of the decarbonation of the aviation industry. A recent review article presents...
Efficiency of ground source heat pump systems
Ground source heat pumps (GHSP) have been reported to be more efficient than more widespread air source heat pumps despite higher installation costs. A recent article has reviewed parameters impacting the energy...
Reducing the economic costs of a direct-use geothermal heating system
Italian researchers have modelled a polymer heat exchanger to reduce the cost of a direct-use geothermal heating system for a single building in the active volcano district of the...
Scientists develop a chip to detect Legionelia very quickly
Researchers at the Technical University of Munich claim to have developed a test for quick detection of Legionella bacteria.
The benefits of 3D printing in refrigeration and air conditioning
The various applications of 3D printing in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning highlight possible tremendous advantages in terms of energy efficiency and cost minimisation.
Improving cooling towers' efficiency
An article published in Water Technology provides information on cooling towers and their operation.
Evaporative cooling: continuation of the Cold-Snap project at Harvard University
Tests show that Cold-Snap evaporative cooling technology would be effective in humid climates, while limiting water consumption.
New in cooling tower technology.
This process offers greater safety and efficiencies combining the best of wet and dry cooling tower technologies.
New Eurovent certification programme for cooling towers
Eurovent, the European Certification body, has developed a certification programme for the thermal performance of cooling towers.
Use of all-aluminum coils increasing
All-aluminum heat exchanger coils called microchannel coils have been used in the automotive industry for over 20 years, but the technology – which uses an all-aluminium brazed fin construction – has been applied to the HVAC&R industry only...
Pressure exchanger enhances efficiency of CO2 refrigeration systems
A new pressure exchanger technology, adapted from the desalination industry, offers significant energy efficiency improvements for CO2 refrigeration systems, addressing challenges of high energy...
The global evaporative condensing unit market.
A projection for the ten next years.
Earth-to-air heat exchanger for air conditioning in a Colombian tropical weather
In a recent theoretical study, a passive cooling system using an earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) was modelled for the Colombian tropical weather.
The economic advantages of evaporative cooling
ACHR News recently published an article focusing on the advantages of evaporative cooling in commercial buildings.
IIR news
4 results
Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies conference papers now available to download
SophiA project: HKA Lab test progress
SophiA HKA (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences) Lab test is intended to provide a better understanding of the cooling system in in different climate zones.
New IIR Informatory Note on solar cooling and other new publications
The IIR has just published an Informatory Note on solar cooling and has posted the Chinese version of the Informatory Note on the role of refrigeration in worldwide nutrition on its website.
New in our Encyclopedia: additive manufacturing for refrigeration equipment
Additive manufacturing makes it possible to optimise the geometry and performance of cooling components such as heat exchangers and regenerators for caloric...
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Additive manufacturing of heat exchangers
In the refrigeration industry, additive manufacturing (colloquially referred to as “3D printing”) makes it possible to fabricate novel, complex and potentially more energy efficient...