An experimental investigation of a mass exchanger for transferring water vapour and inhibiting the transfer of other gases.

Author(s) : SPARROW E. M., ABRAHAM J. P., MARTIN G. P., et al.

Type of article: Article


A definitive experimental investigation has been performed to determine the transfer characteristics of a new type of mass exchanger. The exchanger was designed to perform the dual functions of transferring water across its walls with a high degree of effectiveness while preventing the transport of other gaseous species. The heart of the exchanger is a novel permeable material synthesized by depositing an extremely thin polymer film atop a sheet of a common mass transferring polymer substrate. It was demonstrated that the synthesized composite-membrane sheets could be fashioned into modules and stacked to form a cross-flow mass exchanger. Two sets of experiments were performed to investigate the mass transfer characteristics of the exchanger for water vapour transfer.


  • Original title: An experimental investigation of a mass exchanger for transferring water vapour and inhibiting the transfer of other gases.
  • Record ID : 2002-1770
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 44 - n. 22
  • Publication date: 2001/11


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