IIR document

An experimental investigation on the effects of the vortex tube material, swirl generator material and the tube length to diameter ratio on vortex tube performance.


Type of article: IJR article


The current research investigates the effects of the swirl generator material, the tube length to diameter (L/D) ratio, and the vortex tube housing material on its performance. Two vortex tube were designed and constructed using either stainless or brass. In addition to testing different materials for the housing, 5 different materials were examined as potential options for the swirl generator, including stainless steel, brass, polyamide, acrylic and wood. All were having nozzle number of 6. The study encompassed three main areas: examining the impact of various L/D ratios on an entirely stainless vortex tube (ESVT) and an entirely brass vortex tube (EBVT), exploring various swirl generator materials at an optimal L/D ratio for the stainless vortex tube and the brass vortex tube, and investigating the influence of an optimal swirl generator material with varying L/D ratios for the stainless and brass vortex tubes. Operating conditions were controlled for all tests, the natural refrigerant, compressed air was used, the inlet pressure was set to 3.0 bar and the cold mass fraction was varied from 0.40 to 0.90. The results revealed that the performance of the ESVT was greater than the EBVT. The best combination was the polyamide swirl generator and brass vortex tube with an L/D ratio of 19.0. This resulted in the maximum isentropic efficiency of 0.27 at a cold mass fraction of about 0.47.

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Pages: 122-132


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  • Original title: An experimental investigation on the effects of the vortex tube material, swirl generator material and the tube length to diameter ratio on vortex tube performance.
  • Record ID : 30032462
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 165
  • Publication date: 2024/09
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.05.011


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