Assessing the value of uncertainty aware transactive control framework for commercial and residential buildings.

Number: 310018

Author(s) : YU M. G., PAVLAK G. S.


With the increasing adoption of renewable energy and electric vehicles in the power grid, dealing with uncertainty in both supply and demand is critical to ensuring reliable and efficient operations. In this study, we discuss the value of a two stage stochastic control framework for an aggregator to address such problems by promoting improved decisionmaking and performance despite inherent uncertainty. An uncertainty aware transactive control framework was developed to account for uncertainties in future conditions due to occupancy patterns, weather conditions, on site power generation, and realtime pricing schemes. In the dayahead period, the aggregator decides the electricity procurement plan considering the possible realtime control strategies for operation of the commercial building thermal energy storage (TES) assets and residential building electric water heaters. During realtime operations, the aggregator modulates controllable loads based on transactive market mechanisms with model predictive control (MPC). In order to evaluate the performance, this study quantified the expected value of perfect information (EVPI) and the value of the stochastic
solution (VSS) to analyze the cost of uncertain information and potential benefits of solving the stochastic optimal control problem. This paper demonstrates how the stochastic solution of the developed framework can provide useful information for customers and grid operators in the management of uncertain situations to support grid reliability and sustainability.

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  • Original title: Assessing the value of uncertainty aware transactive control framework for commercial and residential buildings.
  • Record ID : 30028675
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: 2021 Purdue Conferences. 6th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue.
  • Publication date: 2021/05/24
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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