IIR document
Assessment of numerical models in the evaluation of adsorption cooling system performance.
Author(s) : MOHAMMED R. H., MESALHY O., ELSAYED M. L., et al.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
A lab-scale adsorption unit is designed and constructed to investigate its efficacy under typical operating conditions of a practical adsorption cooling system. A detailed coupled heat and mass transfer (CHMT) model and a lumped parameter (LP) model are implemented to estimate the Specific Cooling Power (SCP) of an adsorption cooling system using silica gel/water as the working pair. It is found that the optimal cycle time can be predicted by using the LP model. Results show that the SCP obtained from the CHMT model is always higher than that measured from the experiment because the dynamic effect of the evaporator is not considered. The LP model, with its input parameters estimated by the CHMT, actually produces reliable estimates of the SCP because the evaporator dynamic effect is considered. The difference between the two models is higher at shorter cycle times because the evaporator pressure drop is very high at the beginning of the adsorption process. Without considering this pressure drop, the CHMT yields a higher SCP compared to that calculated from the LP model. In view of the evaporator pressure variation during the adsorption process, a modified CHMT model that considers the evaporator dynamic behavior is developed. It is shown that the modified CHMT model can be used to evaluate the performance of an adsorption bed and to estimate the SCP accurately.
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Pages: 166-175
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- Original title: Assessment of numerical models in the evaluation of adsorption cooling system performance.
- Record ID : 30025499
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 99
- Publication date: 2019/03
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2018.12.017
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