CETIAT presents 3 testing and research units.

Le CETIAT présente 3 de ses installations d'essais et de recherche.

Type of article: Periodical article


This document describes new plant to be employed, among other uses, in testing air-conditioning equipment. A CLIM 3 unit enables testing of air-conditioning equipment with a capacity of up to 100 kilowatts. A refrigerating circuit is foreseen: this circuit will enable testing of new refrigerants with capacities of 15-60 kilowatts. These rigs will enable testing of products with a view to Eurovent certification or the obtaining of the Vivrelec label. An "Erica" rig enables radiation phenomena to be investigated; this technology is increasingly used and is already used in 80 industrial applications involving a total investment of 100 million francs. A standardization laboratory is used to test probes and measuring devices and has been approved by COFRAC (hygrometry, thermometry, nanometry, anemometry, liquid and gas flowmeter technology.


  • Original title: Le CETIAT présente 3 de ses installations d'essais et de recherche.
  • Record ID : 2000-0921
  • Languages: French
  • Source: CETIAT, Dossier Presse - 27 p.; phot.
  • Publication date: 1999/04/22
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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