Comfortable air treatment and air duct with VRF-multi-split technology.

Die komfortable Luftbehandlung und Luftführung mittels VRF-Multisplittechnik.

Author(s) : ARNDT U.

Type of article: Article, Case study


VRF-multisplit technology has proved to be a suitable decentralized solution for air-conditioning systems in Germany. Moreover, the integration of externally ventilated rooms is an essential part of these solutions. However, this has led to more complex design requirements concerning the planning and building of these systems. Experience with existing systems is presented.


  • Original title: Die komfortable Luftbehandlung und Luftführung mittels VRF-Multisplittechnik.
  • Record ID : 2005-0918
  • Languages: German
  • Source: KI Luft Kältetech. - vol. 40 - n. 6
  • Publication date: 2004/06


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