Current methods and ways to stop fire at an early stage in high-risk plants.

[In Russian. / En russe.]

Author(s) : BARATOV A. N.

Type of article: Article


Computation and test results of several methods and appropriate ways to extinguish fires in cryogenic plants and considered highly dangerous are analyzed and presented. The use of a compound aerosol to extinguish refrigerant fluids (R13B1 and R114B2) and of powders is proposed. C.C.


  • Original title: [In Russian. / En russe.]
  • Record ID : 1995-0033
  • Languages: Russian
  • Source: Him. Neft. Mashinostr. - n. spec.
  • Publication date: 1993/01
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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