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159 results
IIR document
Analysis of heat pump market in Russia. Prospects of application of combined system for small buildings.
Results of winding and vacuum-pressure impregnation of superconductive double pancakes of PF1 Coil ITER.
Cryogenic tests results of the regular superconducting magnets of the NICA collider.
Measurement of static heat leak and dynamic heat releases for NICA SC magnets.
Design of the PANDA solenoid magnet.
Correction Magnets for Booster of Complex Accelerator NICA.
Why LNG Can Be a First Step in East Asia’s Energy Transition to a Low Carbon Economy: Evaluation of Challenges Using Game Theory.
Superconducting magnets for NICA project.
Cryogenic technologies of the superconducting NICA accelerator complex.
PF1 coil joint fatigue test results at LN2.
Cryogenic targets of the lightest gases (hydrogen, deuterium and helium-4) with GM cryocooler for experiments of high energy physics.
Review of the global air-conditioning market in the first half of 2016. 1.
Recommended by the IIR
Global emissions trends and G20 status and outlook
World Energy Outlook 2022.
Gas Market Report, Q1-2022.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
99 results
Briefs: Russia
The 8th International Specialized Exhibition Cryogen-Expo will be held on November 10-12, 2009 by the Exhibition Company Mir-Expo and under the auspices of the IIR, the International Academy of Refrigeration and the Ukrainian Association of...
LNG news: Russia
Russia is to build its first LNG plant at Prigorodnoye, Aniva Bay. The location is ice-free for most of the year and the contract has gone to a consortium of Russian companies and Toyo Engineering of Japan, and the plant will produce 9.6 million...
Markets: frozen food: Russia
The frozen food sector in Russia, in particular seafood, is a dynamic, rapidly developing market. Market figures for frozen fruits and vegetables, including berries and mushrooms rise an average of 30% per year whilst the demand for frozen seafood...
HCFC phase-out in Russia.
At the 7th edition of Climate World Expo (Mir Klimata), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) prepared HVAC&R experts for HCFC phase-out in Russia. Ammonia is actively promoted by UNIDO through various industry-led...
Markets: Russian refrigeration market
The Russian refrigeration market is rapidly expanding. According to Alexander Baranenko, Chairman of the International Academy of Refrigeration, 300 000 companies are currently involved in refrigeration in Russia. About 6 million refrigerating...
Trends and Figures: Recent History of Russian Air-conditioning Trade
JARN recently published an overview of Russian AC consumption trends, based on a review of "Climate World 2006" held in Moscow last March, and which compensates for previous lack of information on the subject. The historical summary starts around...
Russia: Refrigerating equipment market
According to a new market report published by IndexBox Marketing, the Russian refrigerating equipment market – except household type equipment – in 2012 was worth 319.447 million € – an increase of 5.1% compared to the previous year.
Refrigerated trains to connect Russia and Iran
The Ministry of agriculture in cooperation with “Russian Railways” (RZD) plans to run shuttle refrigerated trains between Russia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Belarus for export and import of agricultural and food products.
A decisive step taken by Russia for the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol
On September 30, 2004, the Russian government declared that it had approved the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and that the bill was going to be submitted for agreement to the duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament. This is a decisive...
Air conditioning in Russian stadium for Fifa World Cup 2018
The Chinese manufacturer Midea has won the bid to provide central air conditioning systems for seven stadiums in Russia.
The Russian refrigerated cases market
According to experts, the market volume in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by about 25%.
The Russian cold-storage warehouses market 2012
By 2012, the amount of cold storage facilities shrunk by 10%, while the share of cold-storage warehouses of logistics operators increased by 5%.
LNG, a pillar of EU gas supply diversification
Given the geopolitical context, the EU has presented a plan to phase out its dependence on fossil fuels from Russia well before 2030 and, in particular, to reduce its imports of Russian gas by two thirds by the...
China first refrigerated container train leaves for Moscow.
A new transport link between China and Russia.
Accelerated deployment of LNG import facilities in Europe
To cope with the drop in natural gas imports from Russia, some 25 new floating storage and regasification units should be installed in the European Union, with the first...
IIR news
30 results
Conference report: Russia
Russia : the IIR co-sponsored the International Conference on the "Refrigeration Industry in 21st Century". The conference was held in Moscow on December 6-8, 2004, at the International Industrial Academy. Many presentations were food-industry...
The IIR Informatory Note on Solar Cooling published in Russian
The IIR has just published a Russian version of the Informatory Note on Solar Cooling. In addition to the English and French versions, other notes have recently been published in Chinese, Russian and Spanish...
New IIR Informatory Note (IN) on chillers and Russian version of the IN on nutrition
The IIR has just published a new Informatory Note on chillers as well as the Russian version of the IN on the Role of Refrigeration in Worldwide Nutrition already published in four other...
Cryotherapy is going well!
Report of the IIR Deputy Director General, Ina Colombo, on the 3rd IIR Conference on Cold Applications in Life Sciences which was held in St Petersburg in Russia.
New IIR members
Here are the private members worldwide who have joined us over the past year. We are very pleased to welcome them. Several members are from countries that are not yet member countries. We also have a lot of new junior members (under 35 years) and...
2008, Refrigeration Year
Many events and actions have already been scheduled or have already taken place in various countries in order to celebrate the IIR's centenary and the 100th anniversaries of several national associations of refrigeration (France, the Netherlands,...
New members
The IIR welcomes the following new members: - Benefactor member TOTAL, Paris La Défense, France - Corporate members ACC Austria, Fuerstenfeld, Austria Arsenal Research, Vienna, Austria Davicani Srl, Brasov, Romania Kinarca S.A.U.,...
Here are the latest IIR award-winners!
Once every 4 years during each International Congress of Refrigeration, the IIR presents a series of prestigious scientific awards:. Gustav Lorentzen Medal: the prize is awarded to a person with...
The Centenary in Paris and future events
A joint IIR/French Refrigeration Association (AFF) conference was held in Paris on June 12, 2008 in order to celebrate the centenaries of both organizations. It was combined with the IIR statutory meetings on June 10, 11 and 13 and with various...
International events: Moscow
The First International Scientific Conference on Industrial Gases was held at Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MMSTU) in Moscow on March 11, 2009, under the auspices of the IIR. It marked the 100th anniversary of the First Congress of...
Obituary: Liudmila Akimova
The IIR mourns the death of Mrs Liudmila Akimova.
Conference report: An important event in Saint Petersburg
The IIR-co-sponsored International Conference on the "Conservation of Genetic Resources", was held in Saint Petersburg at the prestigious Institute of Cytology (Russian Academy of Sciences), on October 19-22, 2004. There were 120 participants from...
International Dictionary of Refrigeration
A new International Dictionary of Refrigeration has just been published! The first volume off the press is the English-French version in the IIR's official languages, English and French, comprising about 4400 terms with their definitions. This...
Participation of the IIR at COP-10
On December 6-18, 2004, over 6100 participants from 169 countries attended the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP-10) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held at the Rural Exhibition Center in Buenos Aires ,...
The IIR at COP-11/MOP-1 in Montreal
The IIR, as an intergovernmental organization, participated in this "historic" event which gathered 10 000 people for the largest United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ever held. The conference held...
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...