IIR document
CYRANO: a computational model for the detailed design of plate-fin-and-tube heat exchangers using pure and mixed refrigerants.
Author(s) : BENSAFI A., BORG S., PARENT D.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
A computational model for the detailed design of finned coils was developed, which discretises heat exchangers into tube elements for which the governing equations are solved using local values of temperature, pressure, physical properties and heat transfer coefficients. Single-phase, condenser and evaporator cases can be automatically treated using water, R22, R134a, and refrigerant mixtures based on R32, R125, and R134a. The software can handle non-conventional coil circuits with different numbers of inlets and outlets, non-uniform air distribution at the coil inlet face, using smooth, wavy and louvered fins, and smooth and internally finned tubes. The programme has been validated on seven finned coils using pure fluids, with and without moisture condensation on the fins. Comparisons with tests show errors of less than 5% on the coil duty and of the order of 30% on the refrigerant pressure drop. A performance simulation of a coil using R22 and a ternary mixture is presented to validate the programme algorithms developed for mixtures.
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Pages: 218-228
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- Original title: CYRANO: a computational model for the detailed design of plate-fin-and-tube heat exchangers using pure and mixed refrigerants.
- Record ID : 1997-2793
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 20 - n. 3
- Publication date: 1997/05
See other articles in this issue (5)
See the source
- Themes: Heat transfer
- Keywords: Software; Heat transfer coefficient; Finned tube; Calculation; Battery; Simulation; Plate-fin; Heat exchanger; Pressure drop
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