Determination of overall energy requirements (be max.) for a given insulation level KX.

Bepaling der netto-energiebehoeften (be max.), overeenkomend met een gegeven isolatieniveau KX./ Détermination des besoins nets en énergie (be max.) correspondant à un niveau d'isolation KX donné.


Type of article: Article


In 1994, the Walloon Region decided to update its heating regulations. The already-severe 1984 regulations were reinforced. This memo presents the use of a general formula for overall energy requirements when heating a building, overall energy requirements in a few typical contexts and provides a comparison with heating regulations in Germany.


  • Original title: Bepaling der netto-energiebehoeften (be max.), overeenkomend met een gegeven isolatieniveau KX./ Détermination des besoins nets en énergie (be max.) correspondant à un niveau d'isolation KX donné.
  • Record ID : 1999-3168
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Chal. Climats/Warmte Klim. - n. 686
  • Publication date: 1998/04
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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